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Why use posBoss emoji staff logins?

Till software shouldn’t be fun!
Well, why not?

it should not only be easy to use and improve your business but it could be a little fun too! That’s why we decided to use emoji’s for staff logins to posBoss.

But fun aside, why should you use staff logins? Let’s cover that in three parts: Communication, Ownership and Celebration


Communication is key in a busy hospo operation. We’re all stressed, the chef’s is totally over the poor handwriting of a written docket and the kitchen don’t know who to talk to about those tables upstairs. Using a printer and posBoss staff logins, this tension can be easily relieved. Well printed, clear dockets, signed off with the server name means the kitchen and manager can stay on top of what’s happening on the floor and if any issues occur or questions are raised, they know straight away who to talk to.


Ownership of an order is key to understanding how your team is performing and where training is required. At a glance in the posBoss app’s history, the floor manager can quickly understand which team member or section is nailing it and which sections are lagging, allowing for quick decision making and smoother service. You are able to easily view who closed off a transaction or performed an action on a tab, again, picking up where any human errors are being made and allowing you to upskill key team members on the day.


Celebration is key to keeping your team’s morale high. With posBoss emoji staff logins you can see who in your team is nailing the sales at a particular time in the history of the app. Track a great review to the staff member that served them, and celebrate big sales days with the team that worked on the day.

Emoji staff logins are now live in posBoss so get in touch to get started or learn more.