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Prep for more profit this season with a Bustle Online Menu


Nov 13, 2024

Where giving almost nothing means almost everything - One Percent Collective

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Where giving almost nothing means almost everything - One Percent Collective

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It was around 5 years ago that I met Pat from One Percent Collective. I’d heard of them through the Wellington network and I was drawn to them because of how simple they had made supporting a wide range of charities through one method.

Giving is part of my own personal ethos and I have always wanted a way to make it part of posBoss too.

One Percent Collective were in the early days back then. I loved that one of their mottos at the time was to ‘help small teams build big dreams’, so I became part of the Future 50 - supporting the foundations of the company and help them get off the ground.

Over the years i’ve often thought about how much more we could all do and sometimes it's just a simple thing of giving something every week. It helps me stay connected to the “idea of giving” but also makes me think I'm still not doing enough. What can I actually do to help more?

Bustle the best iPad point of sale system for restaurant owners to run a better business

Giving 1% is so little but it actually means everything!

Having a large amount of customers out there we want to help Pat and the 1% Colective a bit more by working on ways for like minded customers to support as well. One way would be offering to take a few copies of their Generosity Journal in your businesses.

One Percent Collective and Bustle the best iPad point of sale system for hospo owners to run a better business

So If you want to join us and assist One Percent Collective in creating a ripple effect of small steps to create big changes, Pat and the team would love to hear from you!

Contact: Pat Shepherd -

Jonny McKenzie